With reference to content produced with and within the community of Birmingham, let us show you how we effectively engage and involve people in the shaping, making and promotion of Place.

Content published on multiple digital platforms across social media has been viewed over 1.4 million times over the past 12 months.

Even more critically, this content is viewed by people who may not yet actively engage with public art.

Why public art?

Public art plays a key part in the making and shaping of places and maps and digital content will help engage and involve people in their public art.

We map and feature public art

We engage community with digital content

We work with and within community

The engagement and involvement of people is critical to the making and shaping of place.

YourPlaceYourSpace with its unique community passport and collaborative workspace will ensure people are both engaged and involved.

We help ensure the real influencers within your place are given the digital tools and the digital skills required to be involved and make a difference.

Community passport

Community Passport

Community workspace

Community Workspace

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